Mission Statement

This Prophecy was spoken over Pastor Gary the night he was ordained. We believe it is the mandate for Praise Fellowship.

For the city is set before you it is a burned field. But, I have sent you to glean. I have called you and I have ordained you. And from this night you shall not consider any longer the hardness, the hard places, the misgivings that sometimes arise within your heart. But, the city is set before you and the door of the Lord has been opened unto you. You shall take them, nourish them and nurture them and you shall love the unlovable and the downcast of society shall come to your place. But, the lord shall cleanse them and shall dress them and they will be your allies and they shall be your brothers and they shall be your sisters for the lord says unto you I give you the undesirable that you might train them and make them saints of God. Be not dismayed but, rather be encouraged this night for I have given you to the city. Son I have given you to the city again I say, I have given you to the city . Count your blessings and praise your God for great shall be your reward.

© Copyright © (2017) - Praise Fellowship Sapulpa - praisefellowshipsapulpa.net 201 S Water St, Sapulpa OK 74066, Phone: 918-224-3988 website by Lester laston@lexlinconsulting.com